Centre for Spanish Speaking Peoples

Jane St & Wilson Ave., 2141 Jane St, 2nd floor, Toronto Yonge St & Wellesley St E., 120 Carlton St, Suite 201, Toronto

Provides services to people of Spanish speaking backgrounds. Support for women who experience abuse in their relationships, create awareness about violence/abuse, information (legal rights, court escorting, existing resources and how to access the resources, etc.), crisis counselling (over the phone and/or face to face), individual counselling, assessment for children/witness of domestic abuse, long term support program for women leaving an abusive relationship, support groups for women and children affected by violence.

Main (Jane & Wilson) Admin: 416-533-8545
Legal Clinic: 416-533-0680
Women’s Program: 416-533-6411
Satellite (Yonge & Wellesley) Admin: 416-925-2800