519 Church Street Community Centre
For the LGBTQ community. Promoting inclusion, understanding and respect, while responding to the evolving needs of the LGBTQ community.
Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic
A centre that is by, for and about women; amplifying women’s voices, and cultivating their skills and resilience. Working together with justice systems, the health care system, law enforcement, the child and social welfare sectors, social services, government, institutions (religious, educational and cultural), and community leaders to change the social conditions that generate and perpetuate violence against women.
Centre for Independent Living in Toronto (CILT)
Emphasizes peer support, self-direction, and community integration by and for people with disabilities themselves. Does not participate in collective advocacy, instead promotes an end to institutional living for people with disabilities, and encourages and supports individuals to integrate into the community. Peer Support Program: workshops and resources, opportunities for peer networking, over the phone support, and volunteer program.
Community Action Resource Centre (CARC)
Assisting local residents to respond to issues in a positive ways that serve to create lasting change and improve day by day living conditions. Info and referral, form filling, letter writing, supportive and crisis counselling, interpretation, translation, and client advocacy and follow-up.
Davenport Perth Neighbourhood & Community Health Centre
Counselling and settlement services for documented and undocumented newcomers. Uses advocacy, health education, and personal skill development to increase the ability of vulnerable populations to positively affect their own health outcomes.
Elizabeth Fry Society of Toronto
Advocacy on issues related to women and the criminal justice system. Planning assistance for release from Grand Valley Institution for Women and Vanier Centre for Women.
Family Service Toronto
Free single session counselling (50 mins) for people 18+ years. No appointment or Ontario Health Insurance required. Counselling and support for individuals and families.
FCJ Refugee Centre
Public education and workshops on anti-human trafficking, Toronto Counter Human Trafficking Network, settlement, immigration and refugees, housing support and training. Orientations, legal assistance and referrals, info about immigration options, appropriate housing, employment support, counselling and other forms of psycho-social support.
Immigrant Women’s Health Centre (IWHC)
Free, confidential, culturally sensitive, and language accessible sexual health clinical services, counselling, support services, diagnostic screening and treatments, birth control (available for low cost), workshops. Serves women with and without Ontario Health Insurance Mobile Health Clinic: STI, pap and pregnancy tests, breast exams, referrals for mammograms and ultrasounds.
INTERCEDE: International Coalition to End Domestic Exploitation
Advocating for the rights of domestic workers, caregivers, and newcomers. Leadership and advocacy training, integration and settlement services, orientation, info, and counselling.
Justice for Children and Youth (JFCY)
Info about legal rights of children and youth in Ontario, provincial offences, education rights, and health and mental health care treatment legal rights. Provides representation and advocacy for youth under 18 years, education, assistance leaving home for 16+ years, a lawyer for homeless youth 16 to 25 years, select legal representation for low-income children and youth in Toronto, and Child Discipline, Child Protection & Child Custody.
METRAC (Metropolitan Action Committee on Violence Against Women & Children)
Promotes safety in communities, equity, and inclusion – Prevent violence, harassment, and discrimination; campaigns for prevention: May Be Me. Increases access to justice and builds youth leadership.
National Action Committee on the Status of Women
Action oriented organization. Focuses mainly on advocating for changes that will improve the status of women, women’s concerns and issues. Lobbies governments on behalf of over 700 organizations.
Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto
Women of Aboriginal ancestry, women with children of Aboriginal ancestry, and Aboriginal female youth. Food bank/programs, housing, crisis intervention, info and referral, literacy and basic skills program/academic upgrading to grade 10, urban orientation, advocacy, community outreach, and cultural programming (crafts, traditions, support groups, speakers, and fitness programs). Aboriginal Healthy Babies Healthy Children: home visits for families with children birth to 6 years, drop-in for mothers and children birth to 6 years, prenatal and postpartum support, early education support, links to community resources, and parenting class.
Community support and outreach program. For single women 16 years + and women with children who are leaving situations of violence, poverty, and homelessness (trans-women positive facilities). Assistance for women in accessing/maintaining safe and affordable housing, developing community support networks, for women with mental health or substance abuse issues to live independently in the community. Info, referrals, community links (immigration and legal info), family advocacy, workshops, seminars, and support groups.
Parkdale Community Legal Services
May assist assaulted women with court accompaniment, peace bonds, restraining order, injury compensation claims, and representation in cases where the alleged assailant counter charges. Deals with tenant issues, mental health, immigration, violence against women and children, refugee claims, social assistance, Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), workers’ rights, Employment Insurance (EI), human rights and police complaints. May provide representation.
Progress Place
Community based organization that focuses on recovery for those living with mental illnesses, and provides members with holistic psychosocial rehabilitation through a comprehensive range of social, vocational, housing and rec. activities. Offers over the phone, peer support (Warm Line) for individuals 18 years + with mental illness living in the GTA, 7 days a week from 8pm to 12am. Double Recovery Program: for those living with mental illness who are also struggling with alcohol/drug problems, weekly group.
St. Stephen’s Community House
Community Development and Social Action Program: engages staff and program participants in a process of social change and identifies opportunities for long-term engagement.
The Stop Community Food Centre
Community food centre providing services, programs, and advocacy to address the problems of food access and hunger.
Toronto Workers’ Health & Safety Legal Clinic
Summary advice, representation, advocacy, casework, law reform, and outreach. For low income workers who face health and safety problems at work.
Victims of Violence Ottawa
Info, support, assistance in the search for missing loved ones.
Voices of Positive Women
Provides support services for women living with HIV – Peer support groups and counselling.