Abrigo Centre
Individual, family and group counselling. Counselling for men convicted of sexual assault.
Access Alliance Multicultural Health & Community Services
Immediate phone interpretation in 170+ languages 24/7 at non-profit rates, face to face interpretation (at place of work), home visit interpretation (interpreter meets staff at service user’s home), group interpretation, telephone message relay, and conference calls.
Across Boundaries
Intake and referrals, alternative healing, support groups (peer support, men’s, women’s, Persian speaking life skills, Tamil, Somali women), skills building (computer, ESL, life skills), community outreach, psychiatric consultation program, family support, anti-racism /anti-oppression training, and community based research.
Africanadian Mediation & Community Services
Conflict resolution, settlement and integration services for newcomers (English and African language speakers). 21hrs mediation skills training.
Arab Community Centre of Toronto (ACCT)
Settlement services for immigrants and landed refugees of Arab origin. Social and economic bridging services: translations and interpretations, orientation, information, referrals to community-related services, and employment-related services.
Breakaway (Satellite Program)
Comprehensive individualized treatment and harm reduction services
Centre for Spanish Speaking Peoples
Provides services to people of Spanish speaking backgrounds. Support for women who experience abuse in their relationships, create awareness about violence/abuse, information (legal rights, court escorting, existing resources and how to access the resources, etc.), crisis counselling (over the phone and/or face to face), individual counselling, assessment for children/witness of domestic abuse, long term support program for women leaving an abusive relationship, support groups for women and children affected by violence.
Child Development Institute
Children/youth to 18 years who have experienced sexual abuse and their family members.
Connect Counselling Services
Deaf and hard of hearing services for women and men.
Cross Edge Community Network
Languages: Adangme, Akan, English, Ewe, French, Ga, Hausa. Immigrants and refugees, with focus on African community.
Dejinta Beesha (Somali Multi-Service Centre)
Languages: Arabic, English, Italian, Somali, and Swahili. Settlement services: integration/orientation to community, filling out forms, counselling, information, referrals (immigration, housing, legal aid, education, and social assistance), employment/job assistance, and commissioner for taking affidavits. Community services: community development, mental health case management, senior’s assistance – referral to community services, and free internet access.
Ethiopian Association in the GTA
Seniors’ Programs: social reintegration, psychosocial support, organizing workshops and training, cultural promotion, service referral, and advocacy.
Jamaican Canadian Association
Provides services to Jamaican, Caribbean and African- Canadian communities. Violence Against Women program (VAW): support for women and children who are experiencing or have experienced domestic violence, individual and group counselling, crisis counselling, support for housing, legal and parenting, safety planning and lifestyle management.
Japanese Social Services
Serves people of Japanese ethno-cultural backgrounds. Confidential, culturally sensitive counselling. First session free (up to 60 minutes), second session – basic fee of $10 plus an additional charge (additional charge based on household’s income scale).
National African Integration & Families Association of Ontario (NAIFA)
Provides supportive programs for African Canadian, landed immigrants/refugees, and ex-offenders. Focus on youth and the justice system. Drop-in centre, youth universe, education attainment, pre-apprenticeship/apprenticeship and other employment referrals, positive parenting.
Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto
Settlement services, jobs/trainings (First Aid/CPR and Food Handling), English Language program. For women who are newcomers to Toronto.
Riverdale Immigrant Women’s Centre
Counselling for families, groups, crisis and assaulted women. Family violence education.
Scarborough Hospital Mobile Crisis
Health Crisis Response Program. Individuals 16 years + experiencing mental health crises in Scarborough/East York. 24 hour phone, peer support and mentoring.
Settlement Assistance and Family Support Services
Programs and Services: Violence Against Women & Children, Language/Skills Development, Orientation, Newcomers Settlement Program (NSP), Supportive Counselling for Victims of Domestic Violence, and for Isolated Afghani Senior Women, United Way Base Grant, Volunteer Development Program (VDP), and Investing in Neighbourhood (IIN) Initiatives
Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Care Centre
*(1st floor, Rm 1256 in the Acute Ambulatory Care Unit). 24 hours, emergency service within 72 hours. Women Recovering from Abuse Program (WRAP)
Sheena’s Place
Individuals with eating and body image concerns. Persons with eating disorders.
The Cross-Cultural Community Services Association
Services: settlement services, education and language training, and community services (assist newcomers of Chinese origin adapt to Canada),
Tropicana Community Services Organization
Services for youth, newcomers, people of Black and Caribbean heritage and others in need. Programs: Life Skills Development, Counselling, Employment, Education, Daycare, and Social/Recreational.
Ukrainian Canadian Social Services
For people of Ukrainian ethno-cultural backgrounds; Ukrainian Canadian. Counselling, info, referrals, interpretation/translation, form completion, advocacy (social, legal, health and pension systems), assistance with finding affordable housing and employment.