2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations
HIV/AIDS education and prevention, Needle exchange, Individual, family, friends, and partners counsellors for pre and post HIV testing
Africans in Partnership Against AIDS (APAA)
Karibu Africa (formerly “Soup Kitchen”), community kitchen, interpretation/translation services, emergency financial assistance, confidential counselling services (men, women, youth living with or affected by HIV/AIDS), African Women Skills Building (support network for all HIV-positive women who self-identify as persons of colour).
AIDS Committee of Toronto
Direct client services, resources, community kitchen. Advocacy, sexuality workshops, safer drug use and safer. sex information. HIV/AIDS services: counselling for gay and bi men (free, confidential, professional), assistance navigating the health and social service system, community health forums, counselling for anyone living with HIV (free, confidential, over the phone or face to face, anonymity is an option (real name not required), employment services (people with HIV considering re-employment). Gay men’s community education and outreach/online outreach, drop-in peer support for 29 years and under, support groups, and health and wellness groups.
Birth Control Venereal Disease Information Centre
Services by appointment only. Pregnancy testing and counselling, STD testing and treatment, HIV/AIDS testing (anonymous) and counselling, rapid HIV testing, pap tests, IUD insertions, diaphragm fittings, obstetric and abortion referrals, pill prescriptions and sales, low-cost IUDs and depo provera, free male/female condoms, and free emergency contraceptive pills.
Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention (Black CAP)
For African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) communities. Education to increase people’s HIV and STIs knowledge, HIV/AIDS and other sexual health awareness and education workshops, outreach activities, distributes condoms and other sexual health related information, harm reduction program, refugee settlement program.
Crossways Clinic
HIV testing (rapid testing available), sexual health clinic, STI testing and free treatment, birth control counselling, low cost or free birth control, free condoms, emergency contraceptive pill (plan B), pregnancy testing (counselling and referrals available), and sexuality and relationship counselling. No referral or Ontario Health Insurance required.
Fife House
Women and men 16 years + living with HIV/AIDS who require support and are willing to live in a cooperative environment (affordable housing). Must be eligible for rent geared to income housing and able to manage personal finances and medication. Trans positive services, advocacy, social and income support programs, support for food, housing and finances, health care support and programs, recreational and social programs for HIV/AIDS, and research.
HIV Ambulatory Clinic
On-site pharmacy. Routine blood work and non-routine test samples – For 18 years +.