Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic
A centre that is by, for and about women; amplifying women’s voices, and cultivating their skills and resilience. Working together with justice systems, the health care system, law enforcement, the child and social welfare sectors, social services, government, institutions (religious, educational and cultural), and community leaders to change the social conditions that generate and perpetuate violence against women.
Bay Centre for Birth Control
No Ontario Health Insurance required. Birth control, pregnancy assessment and counselling. Abortion counselling and referrals. Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections. Anonymous HIV testing, other sexual health issues. Birth control methods at reduced costs; free condoms.
Baycrest Hospital
Bellwood Health Services
Women and men 19+ years. Holistic perspective; focus on alcohol, drug, gambling. sexual addictions, and eating disorders and other compulsive and stress, related illnesses; program components include individual and group therapy. Physical and nutritional health, stress management, relapse prevention and coping techniques, family services, continuing therapy.
Birth Control Venereal Disease Information Centre
Services by appointment only. Pregnancy testing and counselling, STD testing and treatment, HIV/AIDS testing (anonymous) and counselling, rapid HIV testing, pap tests, IUD insertions, diaphragm fittings, obstetric and abortion referrals, pill prescriptions and sales, low-cost IUDs and depo provera, free male/female condoms, and free emergency contraceptive pills.
Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention (Black CAP)
For African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) communities. Education to increase people’s HIV and STIs knowledge, HIV/AIDS and other sexual health awareness and education workshops, outreach activities, distributes condoms and other sexual health related information, harm reduction program, refugee settlement program.
Black Creek Community Health Centre
No Ontario Health Insurance required for general services Primary medical care for all ages. Health promotion and education. Short term counselling provided by Social Worker. Nutrition counselling, foot care, prenatal programs, community development.
Bowmanville (East Division)
Brampton Civic Hospital
Youth 12-25 years and their families concerned about drugs and alcohol. Outpatient treatment for youth with substance abuse related problems. Day treatment program for youth 14-18 years with addictions and mental health problems.
Breakaway (Satellite Program)
Comprehensive individualized treatment and harm reduction services
Breaking the Cycle Mothercraft
Community based cross-systemic model. Pregnant women or mothers with children 6 years and under who are involved with drugs / alcohol. Medical assistance (doctor/nurse), pre/post-natal support, addiction counselling, relapse prevention, individual counselling, parenting groups, education, and intervention.
Cabbagetown Women’s Clinic
Therapeutic abortion methods include Dilation and Curettage (D&C) and Dilation and Evacuation (D&E). Dilation and Curettage (D&C): performed on patients from 5 to 14 weeks into pregnancy, done with conscious sedation (I.V. and local freezing), takes about 5 to 10 minutes, and recovery time can vary from 15 to 30 minutes. Dilation and Evacuation (D&E): performed on patients from 15 to 24 weeks into pregnancy, if 15 to 19 weeks patient is required to go for 2 consecutive days, if 19 to 24 weeks patients is required to go for 3 consecutive days, procedure done with conscious sedation (I.V. and local freezing), takes about 15 to 20 minutes, and recovery varies from 30 to 60 minutes.
Caledon OPP (Ontario Provincial Police)
Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness (CCAA)
Martin Kruze Memorial Fund. Free peer support programs: Time for Men, and the Help & Hope Project (facilitated by a qualified therapist). Referrals provided for other men services.
Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture
Settlement services: assistance in overcoming resettlement barriers, info/orientation, interpretation/translation, time limited counselling, employment-related issues, and referrals.
Central Toronto Community Health Centre
No Ontario Health Insurance required for general services.
Centre for Independent Living in Toronto (CILT)
Emphasizes peer support, self-direction, and community integration by and for people with disabilities themselves. Does not participate in collective advocacy, instead promotes an end to institutional living for people with disabilities, and encourages and supports individuals to integrate into the community. Peer Support Program: workshops and resources, opportunities for peer networking, over the phone support, and volunteer program.
Centre for Spanish Speaking Peoples
Provides services to people of Spanish speaking backgrounds. Support for women who experience abuse in their relationships, create awareness about violence/abuse, information (legal rights, court escorting, existing resources and how to access the resources, etc.), crisis counselling (over the phone and/or face to face), individual counselling, assessment for children/witness of domestic abuse, long term support program for women leaving an abusive relationship, support groups for women and children affected by violence.
Centre for Spanish-speaking Peoples
Community Legal Clinic: deals primarily with employment rights, human rights, immigration, social assistance, refugees, tenant issues, and employment insurance.
Child Development Institute
Children/youth to 18 years who have experienced sexual abuse and their family members.
Child Development Institute
Children who have experienced sexual abuse or other interpersonal traumas (physical/emotional abuse or exposure to domestic violence). Children and youth from 4 to 18 years.
Choice in Health Clinic
Surgical abortion from the time a person knows they are pregnant to 15 weeks after the start of your last menstrual period (LMP). Medical abortions up to 7 weeks LMP. Pregnancy exams, counselling and info prior to abortion, medical checkups after abortion, and free interpretation – Free with an Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) card.
Christie/Ossington Neighborhood Centre (Men’s Hostel)
Overnight shelter, support and programming for homeless men.