Chrysalis Anti-Human Trafficking Network
For women, men, and youth who have been trafficked for the purposes of forced commercial sex or labour Free, confidential over the phone counselling. Local referrals, and a safe buddy system for sex workers operating in isolation. Project Lifeline: to use the lifeline, just call and let us know when you are entering and expected to leave a date you are concerned about.
CJ Refugee Centre
Direct services to people who have been trafficked. Walking through legal processes, immigration procedures, settlement and recovery. Orientations, legal assistance and referrals, info about immigration options, appropriate housing, employment support, counselling and other forms of psycho-social support.
Community Action Resource Centre (CARC)
Assisting local residents to respond to issues in a positive ways that serve to create lasting change and improve day by day living conditions. Info and referral, form filling, letter writing, supportive and crisis counselling, interpretation, translation, and client advocacy and follow-up.
Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO)
Publishes and distributes legal info on topics including social assistance, landlord and tenant law, refugee and immigration law, workers’ rights, family law, elder abuse, consumers’ rights, women’s issues, and laws affecting youth.
Community Police Liaison Committees
Connect Counselling Services
Deaf and hard of hearing services for women and men.
Cornerstone Place
Men 25+ years. Nurse (twice a week), counsellor, housing worker. Dinner and breakfast available for overnight stays.
Covenant House
Long term housing for young, female, 16 to 24 years, who are victims of sex trafficking. Residents who can stay for up to 2 years will receive transformational support, including trauma and addiction counselling, life skills training, and educational and vocational support, free legal assistance will be available from the firm of Baker & McKenzie, and legal aid through Justice for Children and Youth for those who choose to seek justice through the courts.
Crime Stoppers
Takes information 24/7. Anonymously report any information about crime (call not recorded; Crime Stoppers does not have caller id/display). People who provide information will be given a secret code number, if the tip provided leads to an arrest, then the person who provided it may earn a cash reward of up to $2000 (can be claimed with the code number). People who provide information will never be asked to identify themselves or to testify in court.
Cross Edge Community Network
Languages: Adangme, Akan, English, Ewe, French, Ga, Hausa. Immigrants and refugees, with focus on African community.
Crossways Clinic
Sexual health drop-in clinic. No referral or Ontario Health Insurance required. Rapid HIV testing, birth control counselling, low-cost/free. birth control, free condoms, Plan B (emergency contraceptive pill), STI testing and free treatment, pregnancy testing (counselling and referral), sexuality and relationship counselling.
Crossways Clinic
HIV testing (rapid testing available), sexual health clinic, STI testing and free treatment, birth control counselling, low cost or free birth control, free condoms, emergency contraceptive pill (plan B), pregnancy testing (counselling and referrals available), and sexuality and relationship counselling. No referral or Ontario Health Insurance required.
Davenport Perth Neighbourhood & Community Health Centre
Counselling and settlement services for documented and undocumented newcomers. Uses advocacy, health education, and personal skill development to increase the ability of vulnerable populations to positively affect their own health outcomes.
Dejinta Beesha (Somali Multi-Service Centre)
Languages: Arabic, English, Italian, Somali, and Swahili. Settlement services: integration/orientation to community, filling out forms, counselling, information, referrals (immigration, housing, legal aid, education, and social assistance), employment/job assistance, and commissioner for taking affidavits. Community services: community development, mental health case management, senior’s assistance – referral to community services, and free internet access.
Distress Centre of Toronto
Counselling and support. 151 language interpreters. Survivor support program and extended survivor support program.
Dixon Hall-School House Hostel
Domestic Violence
Don Valley Community Legal Services
Primarily deals with Ontario Works (OW)/Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), landlord/tenant, immigration, Employment Insurance (EI)/employment law, Canada pension, Criminal Injuries Compensation, consumer law, and Small Claims Court matters (limited assistance).
Downsview Community Legal Services
Landlord and tenant issues, social assistance: Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and Ontario Works (OW), employment standards, pensions, Employment Insurance (EI), immigration (some types), and Criminal Injuries Compensation.
Downtown Legal Services
Legal advice and representation provided by supervised law student volunteers.Deals with many areas of law, including tenant housing, employment rights, minor criminal offences, refugee, education appeals (school children), academic appeals, Legal Aid appeals.
Dr. Roz’s Healing Place
Emergency shelter for women and children fleeing violence in their homes. Support, advocacy, individual and group counselling and recreation for children, follow-up, ongoing support after leaving shelter.
East End Community Health Care Centre
Must call ahead, doctor on call for emergencies. No Ontario Health Insurance required.
Elder/Child Abuse
Elizabeth Fry Society of Toronto
Advocacy on issues related to women and the criminal justice system. Planning assistance for release from Grand Valley Institution for Women and Vanier Centre for Women.