Purpose: the purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines on the use of the TRCC logo and website.
Application: this policy applies to all persons who wish to employ the TRCC logo, including collective board, members, staff and volunteers, and all external persons or organizations. All members of the TRCC will receive a copy of this Policy within 30 days of its implementation, the date on which any changes are made to the Policy. A copy of this Policy will be kept on file.
Responsibilities: the TRCC collective board is responsible for setting the terms and conditions of the use of TRCC logo and website. The board may delegate responsibility for compliance with this policy from time to time.
Ownership and Rights: the website content and logo of the TRCC is owned by the TRCC. As a general principle, the contents of the TRCC website and the TRCC logo may not be used, transmitted, transcribed, reproduced, stored or translated into any other form without the prior written permission of the TRCC collective board or its delegate.
Use of TRCC Logo: the TRCC logo may only be used with permission of the TRCC collective board or its delegate, in their sole discretion. The use of the logo for the purposes of centre support to survivors like letters of advocacy, fundraising, will need the approval of only by staff member but other areas of work like events, partnerships and collaboration work, will need the approval of collective board and staff.
As a matter of general guidance, the collective board may permit the use of the TRCC logo where the person or organization wishing to use the logo agree to the following conditions:
The person or organization does not:
- use the logo to misrepresent the TRCC’s mandate, services or profile, or the users relationship to the TRCC;
- use the logo to present false or misleading impressions about the TRCC or its services;
- use the logo as a predominate feature, displaying the logo larger or more prominently than other logos;
- use the logo as a feature or design element of any other logo or any other name or trademark;
- use the logo to imply that the TRCC is endorsing the user or its services, products or other public profile;
- use the logo to imply that the TRCC sponsors, is affiliated or is associated with the user or their organization;
- adopt, use, register or attempt to register anywhere in the world any logo or mark confusingly similar to the TRCC logo;
- do or cause to be done any act or thing, directly or indirectly, contesting or in any impairing the TRCCʼs right, title or interest in the logo;
- alter the logo in any manner, including proportions, colours, elements, etc., or animate, morph or otherwise distort its perspective or two-dimensional appearance; or
- use the Logo in a manner which displays it in a negative or disparaging manner.
Website: the TRCC website shall contain a link to series of terms and conditions of use of the website that are consistent with this policy.
Review: this policy shall be reviewed annually by the TRCC collective board. The TRCC may change, modify or delete portions of this Policy as circumstances warrant.