2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations
HIV/AIDS education and prevention, Needle exchange, Individual, family, friends, and partners counsellors for pre and post HIV testing
519 Church Street Community Centre
For the LGBTQ community. Promoting inclusion, understanding and respect, while responding to the evolving needs of the LGBTQ community.
Aboriginal Legal Services of Toronto
Community legal clinic, Aboriginal Court Worker Program, criminal diversion program for youth and adult Aboriginal offenders charged with a wide variety of offences.
Access Alliance Multicultural Health & Community Services
Immediate phone interpretation in 170+ languages 24/7 at non-profit rates, face to face interpretation (at place of work), home visit interpretation (interpreter meets staff at service user’s home), group interpretation, telephone message relay, and conference calls.
Afghan Women’s Organization
Family support, Senior Afghan Women’s Circle. Assist Afghan youth 14-29 years adapt and integrate into Canadian society.
Africans in Partnership Against AIDS (APAA)
Karibu Africa (formerly “Soup Kitchen”), community kitchen, interpretation/translation services, emergency financial assistance, confidential counselling services (men, women, youth living with or affected by HIV/AIDS), African Women Skills Building (support network for all HIV-positive women who self-identify as persons of colour).
Bellwood Health Services
Women and men 19+ years. Holistic perspective; focus on alcohol, drug, gambling. sexual addictions, and eating disorders and other compulsive and stress, related illnesses; program components include individual and group therapy. Physical and nutritional health, stress management, relapse prevention and coping techniques, family services, continuing therapy.
Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention (Black CAP)
For African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) communities. Education to increase people’s HIV and STIs knowledge, HIV/AIDS and other sexual health awareness and education workshops, outreach activities, distributes condoms and other sexual health related information, harm reduction program, refugee settlement program.
Cabbagetown Women’s Clinic
Therapeutic abortion methods include Dilation and Curettage (D&C) and Dilation and Evacuation (D&E). Dilation and Curettage (D&C): performed on patients from 5 to 14 weeks into pregnancy, done with conscious sedation (I.V. and local freezing), takes about 5 to 10 minutes, and recovery time can vary from 15 to 30 minutes. Dilation and Evacuation (D&E): performed on patients from 15 to 24 weeks into pregnancy, if 15 to 19 weeks patient is required to go for 2 consecutive days, if 19 to 24 weeks patients is required to go for 3 consecutive days, procedure done with conscious sedation (I.V. and local freezing), takes about 15 to 20 minutes, and recovery varies from 30 to 60 minutes.
Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness (CCAA)
Martin Kruze Memorial Fund. Free peer support programs: Time for Men, and the Help & Hope Project (facilitated by a qualified therapist). Referrals provided for other men services.
Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture
Settlement services: assistance in overcoming resettlement barriers, info/orientation, interpretation/translation, time limited counselling, employment-related issues, and referrals.
Centre for Independent Living in Toronto (CILT)
Emphasizes peer support, self-direction, and community integration by and for people with disabilities themselves. Does not participate in collective advocacy, instead promotes an end to institutional living for people with disabilities, and encourages and supports individuals to integrate into the community. Peer Support Program: workshops and resources, opportunities for peer networking, over the phone support, and volunteer program.
Centre for Spanish Speaking Peoples
Provides services to people of Spanish speaking backgrounds. Support for women who experience abuse in their relationships, create awareness about violence/abuse, information (legal rights, court escorting, existing resources and how to access the resources, etc.), crisis counselling (over the phone and/or face to face), individual counselling, assessment for children/witness of domestic abuse, long term support program for women leaving an abusive relationship, support groups for women and children affected by violence.
Centre for Spanish-speaking Peoples
Community Legal Clinic: deals primarily with employment rights, human rights, immigration, social assistance, refugees, tenant issues, and employment insurance.
Covenant House
Long term housing for young, female, 16 to 24 years, who are victims of sex trafficking. Residents who can stay for up to 2 years will receive transformational support, including trauma and addiction counselling, life skills training, and educational and vocational support, free legal assistance will be available from the firm of Baker & McKenzie, and legal aid through Justice for Children and Youth for those who choose to seek justice through the courts.
Dixon Hall-School House Hostel
Don Valley Community Legal Services
Primarily deals with Ontario Works (OW)/Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), landlord/tenant, immigration, Employment Insurance (EI)/employment law, Canada pension, Criminal Injuries Compensation, consumer law, and Small Claims Court matters (limited assistance).
Dr. Roz’s Healing Place
Emergency shelter for women and children fleeing violence in their homes. Support, advocacy, individual and group counselling and recreation for children, follow-up, ongoing support after leaving shelter.
East End Community Health Care Centre
Must call ahead, doctor on call for emergencies. No Ontario Health Insurance required.
Elizabeth Fry Society of Toronto
Advocacy on issues related to women and the criminal justice system. Planning assistance for release from Grand Valley Institution for Women and Vanier Centre for Women.
Ethiopian Association in the GTA
Seniors’ Programs: social reintegration, psychosocial support, organizing workshops and training, cultural promotion, service referral, and advocacy.
Fife House
Women and men 16 years + living with HIV/AIDS who require support and are willing to live in a cooperative environment (affordable housing). Must be eligible for rent geared to income housing and able to manage personal finances and medication. Trans positive services, advocacy, social and income support programs, support for food, housing and finances, health care support and programs, recreational and social programs for HIV/AIDS, and research.
Flemingdon Community Legal Services
Primarily deals with tenant issues, immigration, social assistance, pensions, Employment Insurance (EI), Legal Aid appeals; may provide representation. Provides legal services for persons who are deaf.
Gateway (Salvation Army)
Men and women 21+ years. 3 meals a day, shower and laundry facilities, computer access, and a library.